Here is the full list of courses, and dates for the trip. There is also a map view available here and my pre-trip introductions (which include why I selected a course or my most anticipated features for each) for all of the courses can be found here.
State – metro | Date | Course (website) |
Oregon | Friday, April 21 | Aspen Lakes (https://www.aspenlakes.com/) |
California | Saturday, April 22 | Saddle Creek (http://www.saddlecreek.com/) |
Nevada | Sunday, April 23 | Chimera (http://chimeragolfclub.com/) |
Utah | Monday, April 24 | The Ledges (http://www.ledges.com/) |
Arizona | Tuesday, April 25 | Sedona (http://www.sedonagolfresort.com/index.php) |
New Mexico | Wednesday, April 26 | Cochiti Golf club (http://cochitigolfclub.com/) |
Texas | Thursday, April 27 | Amarillo Country Club (http://www.theamarillocountryclub.com) |
Kansas | Friday, April 28 | Buffalo Dunes (http://www.buffalodunes.org/) |
Oklahoma | Saturday, April 29 | Cherokee Hills (http://www.hardrockcasinotulsa.com/golf/cherokee-hills/) |
Missouri | Sunday, April 30 | CC of St Albans (http://www.ccstalbans.com/) |
Arkansas | Monday, May 1 | Pleasant Valley CC (http://www.pleasantvalleycountryclub.net/) |
Louisiana | Tuesday, May 2 | Atchafalaya (http://atchafalayagolf.com/) |
Mississippi | Wednesday, May 3 | Mississippi State University (http://www.golf.msstate.edu/) |
Alabama | Thursday, May 4 | Farmlinks @ Pursell Farms (http://pursellfarms.com/golf/) |
Florida | Friday, May 5 | Black Diamond Ranch (http://www.blackdiamondranch.com/) |
Georgia | Saturday, May 6 | The Lakes at Laura Walker (http://gastateparks.org/The-Lakes) |
South Carolina | Sunday, May 7 | Seabrook Island Club (http://www.discoverseabrook.com/crooked-oaks-golf-course.php) |
North Carolina | Monday, May 8 | Forest Creek Golf Club (http://www.forestcreekgolfclub.com/) |
Tennessee | Tuesday, May 9 | RedTail Mountain Resort (http://www.redtailmountain.com/) |
Kentucky | Wednesday, May 10 | Heritage HIll Golf Club (http://www.hhgolfclub.com/) |
West Virginia | Thursday, May 11 | The Woods (http://www.thewoods.com/) |
New Jersey | Friday, May 12 | Hamilton Farm (http://www.hamiltonfarmgolfclub.com/) |
Maryland | Saturday, May 13 | Worthington (http://www.worthingtonmanor.com/) |
Virginia | Sunday, May 14 | Potomic Shores (http://www.potomacshoresgolfclub.com) |
Delaware | Monday, May 15 | Deerfield Golf Club (https://deerfieldgolfclub.com/) |
Connecticut | Tuesday, May 16 | Fox Hopyard (http://golfthefox.com/) |
Rhode Island | Wednesday, May 17 | Triggs (http://triggs.us) |
Massachusetts | Thursday, May 18 | GreatHorse (http://www.GREATHORSE.com) |
Maine | Friday, May 19 | Poland Springs (http://polandspringinns.com/) |
New Hampshire | Saturday, May 20 | Mount Washington (http://brettonwoods.com/activities/golf/overview) |
Vermont | Sunday, May 21 | Vermont National Country Club (http://vermontnational.com/Golf/Vermont-National-Country-Club.aspx) |
New York | Monday, May 22 | Ravenwood (http://www.ravenwoodgolf.com/) |
Pennsylvania | Tuesday, May 23 | Old Stonewall (https://www.oldestonewall.com/) |
Ohio | Wednesday, May 24 | Black Diamond Golf Course (http://www.blackdiamondgolfcourse.com/) |
Michigan | Thursday, May 25 | Forest Dunes (https://www.forestdunesgolf.com/) |
Indiana | Friday, May 26 | Warren Golf Course (http://warrengolfcourse.com/) |
Illinois | Saturday, May 27 | Cog Hill (http://www.coghillgolf.com/Dubsdread) |
Iowa | Sunday, May 28 | Spirit Hollow (http://www.spirithollowgolfcourse.com/) |
Wisconsin | Monday, May 29 | University Ridge (http://universityridge.com/) |
Minnesota | Tuesday, May 30 | Maddens The Classic (https://www.maddens.com/) |
North Dakota | Wednesday, May 31 | Bois de Sioux (http://boisdesiouxgolf.com/) |
South Dakota | Thursday, June 1 | Prairie Green (http://www.dakotagolf.com) |
Nebraska | Friday, June 2 | The Prairie Club (http://theprairieclub.com/) |
Colorado | Saturday, June 3 | Fossil Trace (https://www.fossiltrace.com/) |
Wyoming | Sunday, June 4 | The Powder Horn (http://www.thepowderhorn.com) |
Montana | Monday, June 5 | Old Works (http://www.oldworks.org/index.php) |
Idaho | Tuesday, June 6 | Coeur d’Alene Resort (http://www.golfcda.com/) |
Washington | Wednesday, June 7 | Gold Mountain (http://goldmountaingolf.com/) |
Alaska | Thursday, June 8 | Anchorage Golf Course (https://www.anchoragegolfcourse.com/) |
Hawaii | Friday, June 9 | Royal Hawaiian (http://royalhawaiiangc.com/) |
Up next, actual play and course reviews for each course… and then the book!
Hey there!
Very cool story about your trip to hit all 50 States in 50 days at age 50! And so cool to see you played my local course here in KY at Heritage Hill.
I’m at 47 States now, with only WY, KS, and AK to go, but I have done all of those over a lifetime, thanks to my frequent business trips across the country. How cool that you could do it all in less than two months!
Have you heard from many other folks who have played in all 50, no matter how long it took them? I’ve tried to find any type of website that celebrates that accomplishment, but haven’t found anything yet. (That’s how I came across your story.)
I’m hoping to knock out the last three during 2019, but you’ve got me thinking that maybe it would be cool to play #50 in AK with my son, or Dad, or brothers, or all of them, on my 50th birthday on 5/13/20.
Anyhow, I hope to hear back from you when you get a chance, and good luck with all of your future endeavors.
-Dominic Latkovski
Shepherdsville, KY
Hey Dom,
Sorry for the delay in response. Quite frankly I forgot the blog was moderating comments and hadn’t checked for any new ones. Again, my apologies. Playing on your 50th with family sounds like the perfect plan to me!! If you do play in Alaska, I can vouch for both Anchorage Golf Course and Moose Run (Creek)… both cool courses and in May you should be able to play pretty late into the evening if you want to incorporate that perk into your golf. The only trick is that’s pretty early in their season and the courses may or may not be free of snow (or in very good shape). Best of luck either way, I’m anxious to hear how it goes!