Media Coverage…

This afternoon I was doing a phone interview with the Baltimore Sun and the reporter asked me about how other golfers are reacting to the trip. Is there any jealousy, or negative feedback? Is there a great deal of support? Are people living vicariously through me? That last twist on the question was a real […]

Team Jacobsen

When we started this journey, it was habit (and probably more fitting) for me to talk in the first person when describing the rounds and play in general. Interestingly, however, it has become easier and increasingly appropriate to use the term “we” when describing the actual play on this trip. What started out as me […]

Charity Spotlight – 13 Ugly Men

When I started looking for charities in Alabama, I inadvertently stumbled upon what has become the charity spotlight for Florida, 13 Ugly Men. When I saw the name I told Melanie “this has to be our charity.” She brought up the (very good) point that we should probably see what they do before we commit […]