Friday morning, as we left Hamilton Farm on our way to Maryland, a completely random glance up from my keyboard toward the side of the road revealed “USGA Golf Museum.” As always we were pressed for time (less for the commute to Maryland and more based on our need to get caught up on some […]
Charity Introduction – Esperanza Center
One of the things we look for in charity choices is variety, we are trying to have a god mix of what our highlighted charities are focused on. A bonus that crops up every now and then is an organization that strikes a bit of a personal chord with (at least one of) us. Our […]
Trip Notes – Things Learned, Observed, or Noticed
A little more from our on going discussions about the trip and what we have learned, observed or noticed… About Golf MJ: Golf is pretty and peaceful. Sbj: Melanie is a good student of the game (and becoming a very good caddie!) Mj: “Bermuda grass you should use a one pokey-stick divot fixer-thing” Sbj: More […]
Media Coverage…
This afternoon I was doing a phone interview with the Baltimore Sun and the reporter asked me about how other golfers are reacting to the trip. Is there any jealousy, or negative feedback? Is there a great deal of support? Are people living vicariously through me? That last twist on the question was a real […]
Team Jacobsen
When we started this journey, it was habit (and probably more fitting) for me to talk in the first person when describing the rounds and play in general. Interestingly, however, it has become easier and increasingly appropriate to use the term “we” when describing the actual play on this trip. What started out as me […]
A (more granular) Day in The Life of 50×4(tm)
we both wake up a few minutes before the alarm goes off; it is set for 4am. by 5am we are out the door. we’ve showered and otherwise prepared for the day, including lathering on the the sunscreen (I can get a bit persnickety if Soren tries to venture forth without properly protecting his delicate […]
Charity Introduction – Caring Hearts for Kids of Moore
When I look at all of these charities, I’m frequently struck with the notion that we either have something like this at home or that we should have something like it. However, prior to discovering Caring Hearts for Kids of Moore, it never really occurred to me how much making certain things happen was within […]
Charity Introduction – Barrier Islands Free Medical Clinic
Yesterday I wrote about health care in Georgia, and – as Melanie points out – we are trying to keep things mixed up a bit on these charities. However, as Melanie also says… once Soren “gets his mind set on something…” Today’s charity spotlight is the Barrier Islands Free Medical Clinic. Serving the people of […]
Reality Check – Golf (every day) Is Hard…
Last year, when we started talking seriously about doing this, Melanie cautioned that if we were going to try, step 1 was playing a mini-tour of 10 straight days to see how my body would stand up to the trip. I, of course, said “posh! I play hours of basketball everyday what is a little […]
Charity Introductions – Georgia Partnership for Telehealth
One of the things that has jumped out at us while we travel through the Southeast is the amount of rural space there seems to be. Even within cities (Jacksonville, one of the largest geographic cities in the nation, for example) we seemed to jump from one isolated area to another. It’s beautiful and quaint; […]