Introducing Melanie, and coming to grips with her sordid past…

Nothing, literally not one portion, of this trip would have been possible without Melanie. She has handled the logistics of our travel, identified the vast majority of courses to me to write, and provided support and encouragement to me, the value-level of which I’m 100% certain I’ve failed to express to her.

But it hasn’t been all sunshine a roses; there was that time in Arizona…

And, Nevada too…

Clearly a rebel, it’s been amazing to see what she does with a cause! The number of hours she has poured into this project is staggering; but that pales in comparison to the actual value of her contributions. So, while admittedly nervous about her choice of accomodations in Montana…

I can’t imagine a better friend, partner, or inspiration. Thank you Melanie, without you none of this happens… none of it at all.

2 Replies to “Introducing Melanie, and coming to grips with her sordid past…”

  1. She is a keeper. She give her heart and soul to her family. Love you girl.i

  2. Every one i talk to about your adventure is so impressed with the love between the rounds of you two → & soren telling me his greatest sure excitement was spending 50 full time days with his wife melanie.
    Go well my friends! Hope to see you day #2

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