Charity Introduction – TURN

In 1973 a group of Utah parents were concerned. Their children with developmental disabilities were growing up and the options for them as adults were very limited. Typically at that time, if you were developmentally disabled and hit adulthood you were either institutionalized, or stayed at home unable to actively participate in society. Banding together to “turn that frown upside down(!)” they founded “Project TURN.”

Operating with just a grant, they were able to put eight people into their services; specifically, group homes where people could enjoy more satisfying and fulfilling lives. Over the next 40 years they have grown to the point where they serve 741 people (as of 2013).

TURN is committed to being “the premier provider of quality services for people with disabilities” and supporting “people in residential settings that are customized to provide the exact level of services that the individual needs or desires.” Whether in group homes, supervised living, or supported community living, TURN insures they get the assistance they need, and the respect they deserve.

More than just assisted living though, TURN also hosts various day programs and maintains art centers. Finally trough their supported employment program, individuals are able to find jobs matching their goals and capabilities simultaneously forming meaningful and supportive relationship with their co-workers and employers.

What started as a dream of a few parents for a better life for their children has become a premier example of how communities can rally around those in need. I’m delighted to introduce TURN as our highlighted charity in Utah.

You can read more about them at their website.

One Reply to “Charity Introduction – TURN”

  1. I love this aspect of your golf journey. For so many, golf is an expensive, leisure driven game that leaves many people “off” the green. You & Melanie are including such a variety of your passions & furry/ feathered friends along your courses → & you are still finding & highlighting the little known charities in the communities you pass through.
    Continue onward my friends & relatives!! ♧♥♣♡

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