As you may have picked up on by now, I like charities that do more than just ask for your money when it comes to helping them out. As such, when I discovered SoJo MoJoe was a thing (a New Harvest Coffee Company blend which benefits the Sojourner House in Providence, I figured we might be on to something.
The Sojourner house helps victims of domestic violence “by providing shelter, advocacy, referrals, and other resources.” Further, and of particular interest to us, they have preventative programs in the community actively trying to preempt domestic violence before it begins.
One of the other things we really appreciated was this segment of their description:
“We recognize domestic violence as any form of violence (physical, emotional, verbal, digital, financial, sexual, and more) in any type of relationship. We believe that no one deserves violence in a relationship.”
It’s very important not to pigeon hole domestic violence as one thing (often it is portrayed by a single characteristic or so in our media and entertainment driven world); it’s nice to see the emphasis being placed on a broad spectrum so that all victims are being considered.
Sojourner House services are available 24/7 and since it’s opening in 1976 they have served over 50,000 individuals. Check out their website for more information or to see how you can become involved (and you can order some SoJo MoJoe here, if you like).