On day 6, in New Mexico, I’ll be playing Cochiti Golf Club. When I thought about golf in New Mexico I envisioned rocky bluffs and incredible color contrasts against the lush fairways and greens… something like this: Cochiti does not disappoint. I’ve been through their gallery of course shots repeatedly and really struggled to just […]
Course Introduction – Buffalo Dunes
When I was looking at courses in Kansas, I wanted something with a “midwest feel” (although, candidly I wasn’t sure what that would be in a golf course). Until… I stumbled on this overhead view of Buffalo Dunes golf course… The course is essentially a single crop circle (not the mythical alien kind, but the […]
Shots… lots of shots…
The reason the pro tells you to keep your head down is so you can’t see him laughing. ~Phyllis Diller The weather finally relented a bit this week. Well… the later half of this week that is, on Tuesday Boise looked like this: In the “what-a-difference-a-day-makes” category, this was today: Closed putting green notwithstanding, it […]
Course Introduction – Chimera Golf Club
Okay, lets be honest, when you go to Las Vegas, you are going to have fun first and foremost. This is true on the golf course as well, and that was a priority for me when selecting a course for Nevada… ladies and gentlemen, if you are unfamiliar with them, let me introduce you to […]
Course Introduction – Amarillo Country Club
Early on in the planning stages for this trip, I knew I wouldn’t be able to play a course in Texas on the gulf; it was just logistically impossible. What I thought that meant was I would have to sacrifice a bit, to keep the route in tact… then I found The Amarillo Country Club. […]
Course Introduction – Ravenwood Golf Club
One of the most challenging parts of putting this trip together was selecting courses in places like New York. Depending on who’s numbers you go by, New York has somewhere between 800-1000 golf courses most of which are great, some of which are utterly mind blowing. So how do you choose? Sometimes, it is as […]
Course Introduction – Fox Hopyard
As I was reading through websites of courses in Connecticut, I stopped hard and fast when I read this description: Fox Hopyard is 530 acres of rolling hills, dense forest, open pastures, running brooks, ponds, wetlands, rock outcroppings and stone walls. The golf course winds through the various areas seamlessly and effortlessly affording a myriad […]
Course Introduction – Worthington Manor Golf Club
Our second course introduction (23rd course on the trip) is Worthington Manor Golf Club in Maryland. When scouting for courses there are a lot of things that stand out, and the national accolades, beautiful rolling hills and challenging greens of Worthington certainly grabbed my attention. I also was drawn to the fact that they had […]
Fairways & Freeways: Press Release 03 February, 2017 – Kickoff
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Soren B. Jacobsen 208 941-1441 Sorenj@FairwaysAndFreeways.com Date: 02/03/2017 FAIRWAYS & FREEWAYS: THE JOURNEY OF A LIFETIME BEGINS 50 Rounds of Golf, in 50 States, in 50 Days (at the Age of 50) Boise, ID: Today, Fairways & Freeways officially kicks off the journey to chronicle, and produce a book, from a […]
Course Introduction – Fossil Trace Golf Club
We’re really getting down to business now, and with that, I’m going to start profiling (briefly) the courses I’ll be playing. For the most part. I’m not going to list these in any particular order; however, the first club to confirm for my trip was also one of my top five “must plays” so am […]