When I started looking for charities in Alabama, I inadvertently stumbled upon what has become the charity spotlight for Florida, 13 Ugly Men. When I saw the name I told Melanie “this has to be our charity.” She brought up the (very good) point that we should probably see what they do before we commit […]
Trip Notes – Things Learned, Observed, or Noticed
Today Melanie and I played a little “game” on the drive. We took turns listing things we have learned, observed, or noticed. Here is a (very quick and abbreviated) recap of that conversation… On things golf… sbj: I’ve learned how to hit a (fairly) reliable draw. The first non “I just want it to go […]
Charity Introduction – Children’s Aid Society of Alabama
In looking at charities, I’ve seen many (and selected a few as candidates for our spotlight) that are focused on finding a soft landing for broken families. Today’s charity in Alabama, the Children’s Aid Society of Alabama has a slightly different focus. Their goal is to keep families together wherever possible. As such their programs […]
Charity Introduction – Catch-A-Dream
Our charity for Mississippi is loaded with personal connections. Catch-A-Dream was founded in part by Mississippi State University (the extension service), which coincidentally houses the Fairways & Freeways golf course for the state of Mississippi. Catch-A-Dream is a lot like Make-A-Wish; however, their focus is fulfilling wishes that involve outdoor activities. Most often hunting and […]
Charity Introduction – Louisiana Reading Association
People that know us, know of our passion for reading and the importance we put on it (our kids probably knew it a bit more than they wanted to when they were young). I don’t know if I can identify anything that I personally believe leads to happiness and success in life more than literacy […]
Substitute introduction, Arkansas – Burns State Park Golf Course
So, we had some complications in Arkansas brought on by the same storm system that postponed rounds in Oklahoma and Missouri. When we arrived at Pleasant Valley country club this morning to play our round we found the club closed (still) from the storms that had just come through the region. Taking advantage of our […]
Charity Introduction – Recycle Bikes for Kids
In sticking, for one more day, with the bike theme, today’s charity in Little Rock Arkansas is Recycle Bikes for Kids. As the name implies this group pledges to provide a bike for any child that wants one, up to the age of 16. Volunteers find, fix and shine up the bikes for their new […]
Charity Introduction – Gateway Off-Road Cyclists
Sometimes a relatively simple cause becomes a full blown organization. In 1998 a handful of mountain bikers got together to help with the design and construction of a multi-use trail in a new park; today that group is the advocacy voice of mountain bikers for an entire region. The scope of todays charity focus in […]
A day in the life…
What this trip looks like, behind the (social media) scenes… So, “stranded” in Tulsa due to weather, I thought I’d give a little insight into what this trip looks like, day to day (except today, of course). This is a typical day (so typical, in fact that I have already begun to lose track of […]
Charity Introduction – Women Helping Other Women
Women Helping Other Women (WHOW) is a Tulsa based organization with a dual focus I find particularly attractive. While a self-mentoring, educating, and networking group for women to help them “reach their full potential through education, career advancement, and business opportunities” the group simultaneously “supports local organizations which include women’s shelters, women in poverty, mentor-ship […]